Miss Chak Rachna is a 27 years old. With 4 brothers and 4 sisters, she is the second eldest in the family. She is from Prey Lovea village, Prey Lovea commune, Prey Kabas district, Takeo province.
To be a girl and poor is not very easy to continue for study, she said. Fortunately after I failed high school exam in 2004, I heard about School of Dream and Future (Now Institute of Sustainable Agriculture and Community Development, ISAC) which is providing free education for poor students in Takeo province.
In January 2005, I got an opportunity to study there. she said, at first, I was so excited and amazing because all the students live, eat, study, and work together as a family. She also added that spending only 20 kilogram of rice per month, I could study many subjects for free such as agriculture, community development, English, computer, motivation, general leadership training…etc.
After my graduation in 2006, I volunteered as community health education trainer. One year later I became a full time staff as I need. I have facilitating the training program including agriculture, general heath and sanitation and I teach English to the children in the community, she said. And at the same time I am going to be graduated from Build Bright University which my major in business management.
It is true that I have changed a lot after I worked with the communities, specially I am happy to help my people as well as my country. I am now more creative and I can live and communicate with the people of the community. More importantly they considered me as a member of their community.
In conclusion, I would like to give my deep thanks to all the teachers in ISAC and my colleagues for their invaluable support and advice that they had given me throughout all the years.