The past thirty years of conflict has left Cambodia desperately impoverished. With a per capita income of less than US$300 per year and 40% of people living on less than US$10 per month, it is one of the poorest countries in the world. According to the UN Human Poverty Index, Cambodia ranks 73rd out of 78 developing countries, with one of the lowest Human Development Index rankings (137 out of 174 globally in 1999) including some of the worst human development indicators in South East Asia. (WHO CCS Cambodia 2001).
Lack of adequate water, sanitation, education, transportation, and communication have caused huge problems in the development of the health system. The most common diseases in Cambodia today are related to problems with water and sanitation.
According to Dr. My Samedy, the dean of the faculty of Medicine, the most important health problems are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis, and diarrheal diseases. Dr. Samedy estimates that 2 million Cambodians have malaria and 200,000 have tuberculosis. Agencies working in Cambodia identify major health problems somewhat differently, focusing on diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infection, malaria and dengue fever, and childhood illnesses. War injuries, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis, venereal diseases, yaws, and intestinal worms are common as well.
Acording to problems above, Korean Free Medical Check up and Treatment have been done every years in Cambodia exspecially in Takeo province. On 13-15 July, 2011, 7 churches joined together to provide the treatment for poor Cambodian in Kirivong and Samrong district.
The program started in Lomchung, Presbart Chorn Chum and Beng Trai Khang Cherg commune located in Samrong and Kirivong district, Takeo province. As the results, there are 1057 patients had been treated. In this treatment, we found that the most health problems are related to hypertension, backache, stress (headache, stomachache, stiff neck, chest pain, dizzy, shortness of breath...), gastitis, diabetes, vaginal discharge, lungs, cataract, chronic disease, goiter, influenza, itch, sore eye, swolen gland, typhord, rheumatism...etc.
Instead of ISAC and Cambodian people, I would like to deeply Orkun (mean thanks) to all medical mission team as well as doctors, medicine and members exspecially to missionary Kim Gidae family who always care, love and recomended medical mission team to Cambodia.
We have nothing to provide you back except praying to God to provide you strength, good health and happiness in your families.
ISAC 17 July, 2011.
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